Monday, March 28, 2011

Prophecy Today: News from ESCHATOLOGY TODAY "The Libyan War" by Sean Osborne






Friday, MARCH 25, 2011




(others series will follow as schedules are further developed)


SUNDAY, MARCH 27, 2011

27 March 2011: Prior to United Nations sanctioned military action by the West (EU, US, CAN) the Western media was prompt to report to our population the urgent calls from the fighters and civilians on the ground opposing Qaddafi and the Arab League for our intervention; to save the Libyan people from Qaddafi’s genocide.

Who started this war in Libya, and under what ideological banner?

Could it be the same group of Islamic agitators as exists elsewhere in the world – Islamic fundamentalists? The al-Ikhwan al-Muslimun. The Muslim Brotherhood. This is same group and Islamist ideology the socialist left in the West loves to promote as a cause célèbre. Freedom fighters and defenders of the common Muslim men, women and children against the anti-democratic despots and their totalitarian regimes supported by the West to the tune of billions of dollars for decades. The corporate media in the US have even gone so far as to heap praise and hero worship upon the anti-Qaddafi fighters, including suicide and IED bombers identical to those repeatedly attacking major Western cities such as Jerusalem, Madrid, Paris, London, New York City and Washington, D.C. This is the same ideology as is being opposed by our nation’s finest heroes and our dwindling treasury in Afghanistan and Iraq for the better part of the past 10 years, and was completely unopposed in any meaningful way going back to the first WTC bombing in 1993.

So we find ourselves intervening in an illegal, undeclared war in Libya, characterized by our national leadership as a “kinetic military action,” for the purpose of preventing genocide against the same Islamic “freedom fighters” as we have fought against all this time in Afghanistan and Iraq. Tell me, why are our armed forces responding to the Libyan civil war? Does not the Arab League possess enough military hardware, fighting men and treasury to oppose Qaddafi as they have consistently done against the State of Israel for the past 63 years? Why do the Arab Muslims need our military forces to do their dirty work? We’re told by our national leadership that our efforts in Libya will ultimate result in democracy coming to the Libyan people. Really? Do they mean the same kind of democracy that came to the Gaza Strip or Lebanon?

There is enough information in this brief article to wake up all but the most comatose, consciousness-suspended or gleefully misinformed among us regarding the reality of the situation. In case you’re still unsure about that which I write, allow me to be as blunt as Diana West has been: Our military forces have joined the Islamic Jihad. So how does it feel to be the Global Jihad’s rent-a-cop?

24 March 2010: President Obama fully and intentionally skirted the U.S. Constitution in illegally ordering the Pentagon to commence acts of war against Libya. In light of this fact President Obama’s orders to the U.S. military to execute these attacks in Libya constitutes an illegal orderunder the Uniform Code of Military Justice (UCMJ). 

Members of the US Armed Forces who obey illegal orders are subject to criminal prosecution.

Per the Uniform Code of Military Justice (UCMJ):

Section 16c(1)(c): Lawfulness. A general order or regulation is lawful unless it is contrary to the Constitution, the laws of the United States, or lawful superior orders or for some other reason is beyond the authority of the official issuing it.

Section 14c(2)(a)(i): Inference of lawfulness. A order requiring the performance of a military duty or act may be inferred to be lawful and it is disobeyed at the peril of the subordinate. This inference does not apply to a patently illegal order, such as one that directs the commission of a crime.

Such illegal orders are a crime as in war crime, an international war crime at that. These illegal orders can apply as war crimes in the International Court of Justice subjecting every member of the US Armed Forces, from the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff down to the lowest ranking service member who carried out these orders, to trial and punishment outside of any American jurisdiction.

The UCMJ allows for the disobedience of illegal orders because such orders constitute a crime, or be part of a criminal conspiracy, either under military, civilian or international law.

I urge both Republican and Democrat members of our House of Representatives and Senate to immediately begin impeachment proceedings against President Barack Hussein Obama II and to immediately direct our National Military Command Authority to halt all military operations against Libya.

Posted by SeanOsborne






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