Thursday, March 31, 2011

The Biblical Christian Network: "What Should Christians Do" (4 of 50)


Yes! Jesus is Coming!

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Thursdays Study in Prophecy

On Thursdays all day we bring a recap of the Week so far and a look forward of the Propehcy Sites and Teachings that make up the Biblical Prophecy Network;

Feautured Series are listed below.

Biblical Prophecy Today chooses not to be a wierd or wacky service provider of every wild and wooly idea that someone gets from too much coffee; too much time on the Internet and too little time studying and "approving" what is valid, but we would see Jesus as Coming to this Generation.We abide by that motto that saved us in the beginning of this age of grace and we saw written on the sides of the wall leading into a little church at the time called Calvary Chapel of Costa Mesa; It said:

"Jesus is Coming"


What Should Christians Do?

(Originally from Rapture Ready we expanded it with others included)

(4 of 50)

Despite the fact that over 85 percent of Americans define themselves as Christians, very few of them could answer the simply question, What Should Christians Be Doing? Most people can only come up with very general advice that could be applied to any faith. Because there is an appalling lack of good information on the web about this crucial subject, 13 saints have banned together to each offer a page that would help fill this void. (from Rapture Ready now expanded to incude 50 responses)

Number Four


"What should Christians be doing?"
Denise Styka

1. Commit and stick to a schedule of being in the Word every day.

2. Seek out ways to show people the truth about Scripture, about deceptions being played out in the world and about deceptions being played out in mainstream Christian churches that have gotten away from spreading the Truth in the Word of God

3. Live a life of integrity - the most effective witness that we provide to the people around us is when we live a life of integrity so as to not diminish Christ and His sacrifice for us in any way. There are too many leaders today within the Christian faith that exhibit a lack of integrity.

4. Witness to those around you. This past year when I sent out Christmas cards I included a tract called "How to be 100% sure you will go to Heaven". I sent these to everyone I could think of including my mom's boss, who is Jewish.

5. Pray everyday and keep an active prayer log.

6. Constantly be challenging myself and others around me to live as though Jesus could come a second from now.

7. Take your ministry seriously - Mine is ... - and do things to advance that ministry for the cause and purpose of spreading the Gospel.

8. Support Christian causes and websites - Whether you support Rapture Ready, or other Christian websites (I actually help support Prophezine on a monthly basis) and Christian causes (such as Compassion International) do so with the intent to share the gospel.

9. Advance your knowledge in Scripture by participating in Bible classes or in depth Bible studies.

10. Be active in your local church. Whether distributing tracts from the church, inviting people to come with you, actively participating in Sunday School, or ministries within the church. Just do something.


Every person is unique; every person different; if you would be published on the Biblical Prophecy Today Network read this post then write a article like the one above. Be real; use your name; your article as it is will be published in a follow up series "What Christians Said They Would Do (1 of 100) biblicalprophecytoday@gmai Look on Thursday's posts or on the Home site and see your posting to the Body of Christ Internationally. -MjS) 


"After Word"

 In the world of Eschatology there is a lot of money to be made selling books, doing seminars, giving speech engagements and generally sensationalizing anything that "sounds like" or "looks like" prophecy.

 That is not why we are here or what I do.

We would see Jesus

 And that is What Prophecy is all about.

Merchandizing and Marketing are the two largest leverages used in promotion of prophecy today.
They are effective, they work, and they also distort.

 We are about the Message.

 We try to remove the M&M's from the sites posting so you get less candy and more meaning.

We are ALL about the Message.

 It is not that we are ooposed to any Christian trying to make a buc, we simply choose to remove the dollars and sense so anyone and everyone can freely study and freely recieve the best, the most relevant and the currrent materials available on the internet to anyone who wants to know Fact from Fiction about End Times.

That can only be accomplished by personal study.
We aren't going to tell you what to beleive
That is the role of the Holy Spirit
but we are going to give you 
tools to study.

Current Series

Perspectives; Prophecy Q&A; Studies From; Rapture Series; Questionable; Book of Charts; Updated; News from; Warnings; Yes! Jesus is Coming!; Countdown to Armageddon; ViewPoint;"What Should Christians do"; with many more added as we increase till Jesus Come Again.