Sunday, January 23, 2011

TheFellowshipOfFacebook: An Intro

fel·low·ship (felō s̸hip′)


  1. companionship; friendly association
  2. a mutual sharing, as of experience, activity, interest, etc.
  3. a group of people with the same interests; company; brotherhood

fel·low·ship (fĕlˈō-shĭpˌ)

  1. a. The condition of sharing similar interests, ideals, or experiences, as by reason of profession, religion, or nationality.
    b. The companionship of individuals in a congenial atmosphere and on equal terms.
  2. A close association of friends or equals sharing similar interests.
  3. Friendship; comradeship.


Having been on the Internet since IRC days, (I think) I might have some experience over the wide variety of people, place and things that find themselves on the Internet. Whether you know it or not you are one of those "things."

Most "Christian Ministries" use the Internet as a port of call so to speak to trade and exchange ideas, goods, and services. Few if any address the "Cyber-Issues" that long hours of play, reading, learning, abusing or surfing, as well as cross cyber-netting like Smart-phone browsing, texting and Vid, music and ministry accomplish.

In the World they say it is a social media, perhaps it is more like a medium of spiritual significance that can be influential in Spiritual, Physical, Emotional, and Intellectual areas.

Getting to the Nuts and Bolts, of some of the things I'll be posting is:

DO YOU REACT to what you are Reading?

IS there such a thing as a Cyber-Personality that is you?

What is Cyber Christianity as it is developing?

Written as a journal of experiences and advice, I hope to have people comment and converse so there can be an "approach" to learning because as it stands today

The World Wide Web



The Wild Wild West

"for better and for worse"

Posted via email from Christian Issues Digest