Thursday, January 20, 2011

RelationshipsQ&A: "What can we do to add some spice to our romance?"

Q and A is your opportunity to ask questions regarding the Bible, church, or just about anything regarding Christian faith and life. Submit questions on the response form in your bulletin or E-mail the Church Office.

What can we do to add some spice to our romance?

Q1. My husband and I have been married for almost 16 years.  We have three married daughters and our son is in high school.  I'd say we're at the beginning stages of "empty nesters".  Thank goodness for grandchildren; younger friends and younger children!  My husband and I love and enjoy each other's company; however, my kind of fun and his kind of fun doesn't necessarily match up on the same evening…

Q2. What can we do to add some spice to our romance?  (I'm not necessarily wanting a response about intimacy sexually or foreplay my any means.)  What romantic activity or outing ("date-night") can we do or go that may possibly move towards being intimate?  Our romance seems to be on "same song - replay".  Thank you.

A. You just about answered your own question in your explanation of the problem. Your "kind of fun" doesn't match.  You really should try to strive to get into each other's worlds as much as possible. I realize that there are some areas that wont be a realistic fit. But whenever possible couples should grow together in their hobbies and past times so as not to grow apart. Another thing to keep in mind is that "date night" is defined differently for different people. Find out what he considers a "fun" date night and let him know your definition of a "fun" date night.  Give each other ideas and suggestions.  Do your best to enter his world. And then be happy and appreciative of his efforts to enter yours.

Posted via email from Christian Issues Digest