Monday, January 10, 2011

BreakingChristianNews: Jan 10


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After Arizona Shooting Tragedy, Nation Pulls Together in Prayer for Victims

President Obama, who called the event an "unspeakable tragedy," asked for a moment of silence on Monday at 11am.

A bit of good news was to be found in the midst of Saturday's tragic shooting in an Arizona Safeway parking lot; U.S. Rep. Gabrielle Giffords, who had been shot in the head, was communicating with doctors on Sunday, although she remains in critical condition.

victims and gunmanThe gunman, Jared Lee Loughner had opened fire, first targeting Giffords as she began a "congress on your corner" public meeting. In the end six were killed, including a federal judge and a nine-year-old girl, and 14 others were injured before several people in the crowd were able to tackle the shooter. The girl who was killed, Christina Taylor Green, was born on September 11th, 2001. Loughner was charged with 5 counts in the atrocity, and is in federal custody. (Photo: Victims and the gunman/AP, REUTERS)

On Sunday, US House Speaker, John Boehner stated, "The thoughts and prayers of the House and the Nation are with Congresswoman Giffords and her family. We're also praying for the families of Judge Roll, and all of those taken from us yesterday so senselessly. Among the fallen is Gabe Zimmerman, a member of Congresswoman Giffords' staff. I've directed that flags on the House side of the Capitol be flown at half-mast, in honor of Gabe's death in the line of duty. An attack on one who serves, is an attack on all who serve....(more)

Supreme Court Justice Scalia: Abortion NOT in the Constitution

"We don't have the answer to everything, but by God we have an answer to a lot of stuff...especially the most controversial: whether the death penalty is unconstitutional, whether there's a constitutional right to abortion, to suicide, and I could go on."

(Washington, DC)—In a recent interview with California Lawyer, Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia stated that abortion is not included in the U.S. Constitution.

Antonin ScaliaScalia, who is opposed to the notion of an "evolving" or "living" Constitution, told interviewer Calvin Massey that by giving some of the "necessarily broad" provisions of the Constitution an "evolving meaning," these provisions fail to do their job, which is to put in place limitations on what society can or cannot do. (Photo by: Stephen Masker)

Even if "the current society has come to different views [than the original framers]," he said, "you do not need the Constitution to reflect the wishes of the current society."

Instead, he said, when something isn't found in the Constitution, it should be taken up by legislators. One of the examples that he used to illustrate this point was abortion.

"You want a right to abortion? There's nothing in the Constitution about that," he said. "But that doesn't mean you cannot prohibit it. Persuade your fellow citizens it's a good idea and pass a law....(more)

Ingredient in Birch Bark May Work Better Than Cholesterol-Lowering Drug Lovastatin

In studies, betulin decreased lipids in liver and fat to a greater extent than lovastatin did. Betulin also improved insulin resistance through its effects on fatty acid and triglyceride synthesis....(more)

Colleges Nationwide Recruit Homeschool Grads

"As a group, our homeschooled students are among the best students in the entire university student body. They have added a fresh dimension to the body of conventionally schooled students. We consider them a real asset." (Gray, Tenn....(more)

7th Annual Walk for Life West Coast—January 22, 2011 in San Francisco

After the Walk for Life will be the First Annual Youth Rally Tens of thousands of people are expected to rally in downtown San Francisco and then to walk along San Francisco's waterfront to show peaceful support for unborn children and their mothers because 'women—and all people—deserve better than abortion'(tm). The march will be held on Saturday, January 22, 2011. A pre-march rally begins at 11 a.m....(more)

Broken Walls and Carry the Cure Bring Music, Healing and the Hope of the Gospel on Iditarod Trail

"Broken Walls and Carry the Cure have made a huge impact in the villages…over the last few days." All along the Iditarod Trail in Alaska are villages and towns in great need of hope....(more)

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