One Thousand Years
“D and E Z"
(Chapter 10:7)
An uneasy friendship grew as no matter how hard D had pushed E Z away….he kept coming back.
And Delilah was persistent, you would think after twenty years or so of abuse someone would have given in. Stupid or not he was persistent too. That alone was new to her. As stubborn as she was, he appeared to be just as stubborn, maybe more so.
He did have some good qualities; she was just unwilling to admit any of them to herself or anyone else. Besides, she was too old for him. Of course when she admitted it to herself, she never felt so young in all her life. She felt…, if she would have admitted it, if it had been in her vocabulary, fertile was the feeling.
An odd way to describe a state of being.
Ezra never told her how he felt. She only speculated on his true intents but like a puppy dog that keeps coming back, Ezravivor had a crush on Delilah. Over the decades becoming increasingly obvious to both of them. Unrequited love is sometimes the most pure. Or so it seems to the one feeling it. The worse she treated him, the more he cared.
He never left.
She knew how he felt though. Ezravivor had never been forthright about it or mentioned it to anyone, but she knew.
Even as she knew that Caleb also had expressed an interest in her. Of course Caleb seemed so much younger…..smarter maybe….maybe a little immature, but certainly not dumb. Two men…well boys really…both “interested” in her in ways she probably knew better than they did.
Oh yes, She knew lot more than they did.
So many things had changed for her from her old life to her new one in the Kingdom of God. Now new feelings were emerging she wasn't sure what they were. She didn't want to know, tried to suppress them, but they did continue to grow. In her old world pure love or innocent love was unheard of. Everyone knew what “love” was.
Or what they called love which really was lust.
Delilah knew that. She had indulged a time or two, or maybe more than she wanted to admit. She had even experienced the “good side” of the Old World…, and of course they were the nightmares…,
Sometimes Ezravivor was just plain stupid and dumb and kind of….cute. In a stupid sort of way. She wasn’t familiar with this kind of “attraction” or feeling.
Yet here he was again, Ezravivor who more often than not irritated her for no reason. No reason at all.
He was handsome enough. Tall and fair skinned, somewhat physically in shape with a physique that suggested somewhere he was lifting and doing strenuous labor. She imagined he had a “six pack” as the old expression had gone, but robes left much to the imagination.
She had never seen him “disrobed” or anyone else in the Kingdom for that matter. She even blushed at times when she thought about it. Thank God He never knew WHY she blushed now and then.
He really was naive.
As far as his brother was concerned he seemed wiser but would act childish at all the wrong times. Still as two brothers go, Ezravivor and Nehevivor both were strong enough. Delilah had talked to Nehevivor occasionally knowing full well that later the two would wind up scuffling, and it was always Ezravivor who started it.
Even though she instigated it.
That was Ezravivor; intelligent around others, he was often tongue tied and seemingly shy around Delilah. When she spoke Ezravivor certainly had no meaningful thing to say. Any time he did speak he seemed, well, stupid.
Most times she spoke he said nothing at all which in her case was perfect.
He appeared as though he were listening. Perhaps that was his best quality…he seemes like he was listening.
But between the two brothers, Ezravivor and Nehevivor, they would argue and for those who had watched them, neither seemed to make sense. Both were stubborn enough to not let the other have the advantage. Their arguments never led into a wrestling match per se but Delilah suspected Ezravivor would win.
They did scuffle though.
Ezravivor had a sensitive side…, and he listened at times.., thought Delilah.
Or at least his silences made him appear he was listening. She was never quite sure which was true. After a few years she didn’t care which applied.
She would never admit it to herself, but even puppy dogs had a way of wearing you down…..or out.
Something about the pathetic that touched Delilah’s heart.