Sunday, March 7, 2010

One Thousand Years: Genesage "Order" (Chp 6:9)

One Thousand Years



(Chp 6:9)

Watching Tom they saw him slip from Rose's grasp.

All her limbs now hung down in complete absence of life. Tom seemed to melt. It was time lapse in slow mo. Moving in a still by still time shot. Slowly ever so slowly slipping into the grasp of gravity. He slowly slid down into the petals. 

The petals that had piled all around her stalk.

The scented aroma of her exterior being. A remembrance of all that she had been. Memorial of what she was meant to do, to be. The petals of rose, the scent of rose, that  which remained to remind anyone of her. It

It was the aroma and softness of the blood red petals which now formed a bed for Tom lie in.

A bed or a coffin.


He was the one who had taken what had not been proffered.

Tore away what he could have asked for and readily received. He did not. He took without thought. He did not ask.  He forcibly ripped from her the one thing that gave her life. The one gift she had to offer the Creator and his creation. The very essence of her being empowered into the bloom.

That which was Rose, her roses.

So casually torn, so easily ripped.  Taken from her which when used in the Kingdom for the glory of God was priceless. It was her gift. She had changed the air. Flavored the place she dwelt in with her presence, her essence. Giving back to God what she had received from Him.


 Any who breathed deep of her fragrance knew this. Rose was life and living, love washer expression. She effected all that surrounded her.

She had been raped.

Tom had raped her of love, life, living.

Like unto the God that gave her life in the beginning, she gave her life for Tom. She knew what she did would be an offering, a life for a life. It was an offering for a transgression that Tom needed redemption from. Only she could give it. Only she did.

It was the Way of the Kingdom Come.

She had forgiven the ManKind who had trampled her offering to God.

Was it possible Rose could be sentient? Did she have purpose? Could God design such a “thing” in the Kingdom?

She had been planted by Eben. She was given by Jesus. She was created by God.

She, a PlantKind, was sentient. She was God created thus God defended. Creation accountable to Creator. And she could speak…,

Did she have rights?

Did the Land itself have rights and privileges in the Promised Land?

Since "Thy Kingdom Come", the time God had fore ordained and predestined to begin the Thousand Year Reign of Messiah, every shabat had been honored.

Every Sabbath had been kept.

It wasn't hard and it certainly wasn't strict. It was “natural”. It came easy. It was “normal” to do.  You could “feel” the Land of Promise like a physical entity actually wind down and stop for a rest day.

With the entire Land, Plants, Animals, Angelic, God, and GodKind all stopping, or at best resting and enjoying the Peace. It was easy for mankind to do so likewise without any misconceptions or religious rules.

This wasn’t the Law as if given from a mountain and written on a stone.

This was the “Order of Creation”, the natural order.

It was as if in the fibre of every being to do.

But never before had the Students of Eben, those present, ever seen or experienced anything in the Kingdom of God,

That was Out of Order.

This was out of order. It was abnormal. It was not natural, it did not fit. This was a learning experience for those who were present, and learn they did. A gestalt moment for the students of Eben Abram.

They began to see the greater world.

The saw that they were but a part of it and not a ruler over it. It was called Creation and that creation they were accountable to, at least all sentient aspects of it. Accountable in some ways responsible for.

Everyone began to feel the “connection”.

Suddenly words like Balance of Creation and “Cooperation and Relationship” took on newer meaning to them.

They had been taught, they were beginning to understand.

They were awed as they saw the point Eben had been trying to make for sixty-nine years now. The saw him as more than simple, they understood his connection.  Some even saw how they fit into the scheme of things. They say a glimpse of the function God intended for them

Tom was not in on this moment in learning.

He was sliding down slowly as though faint. In the midst of the petals, he lay down and slept. He dreamed.

Everyone else was at a loss to explain or understand what was unfolding.  Everyone else was imbued with a new knowledge and appreciation. They were assimilating  that which seemed to take them from outside observers to active participants.

They felt growth in age and wisdom.

Tom was now beyond them. Gone into a trance, or swoon, or simple exhaustion no one was sure. Tom was breathing deeply among the petals and slept. He was completely oblivious to all others with the last words of Rose in his mind.

"I forgive you."

Caleb stayed. He watched as the others now shook from their absorption of learning slowly left one by one. Each uncertain of exactly what had happened. Each thinking private thoughts. None talking. No one quite knew what to do.

Like sheep without a shepherd, some went seeking Eben for an answer. Others simply walked away one by one in thought or emotion but all silent.

No one wanted to break the moment, but everyone knew one thing for certain.

Rose was gone.

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