Friday, February 12, 2010

One Thousand Years: Genesage "a still small thought" (Chp3:8)

One Thousand Years


"a still small thought"


Ezra-Vivor nudged him slightly from his revelry.

Eben smiled as he turned his attention to the present.  Meanwhile on his other side Nehe-Vivor coughed loudly. The rest of the room had been talking quietly to each other or shuffling into seating.

It was still early in the day. Everyone was used to “ole Eben” with his morning routine. No one minded the casual style. No one was in a hurry. The ease of which these daily meetings or conferences met; it added a routine to a pretty sedate lifestyle.

Some had been feeling like that would change soon; there was something in the air. No one had said anything nor had there been any drastic changes recently, in fact, if anything, one day was just as the another day. Seemingly little changed from day to day.

The OT’s ;“the Oties” as they were often called, Old Timers felt a growing angst to move on. Of course the Oties (OT’s) always were in an angst about something, or so it seemed.

Yet.., You could sense a change coming if you looked close enough.

The cloud cover had been getting slightly brighter; the world had grown phenomenally in the land and the World, at least here, looked lush and plush rather than dead and grey.

Survivors were branching out and meeting each other from other communities on a regular basis, “the times they were a changin.”

The children who had grown up into this way of life; they simply thought everyday they lived it was norm to their living.

They had done it so long, they didn't think about any other way of living.

But the parents were always talking of how much better it was before the Kingdom. All that they had, all that they did, all that they accomplished. Maybe not all the parents thought it was better before, but certainly quite a few. Mumbling was not yet grumbling but for some it was hard to tell the difference.

Change was about to happen.

Looking around the table Eben caught the eye of several of the community members. Genuinely smiling to everyone either nodding or speaking a greeting to each as they were wont to receive it. He liked to make “eye contact”. Often he saw more than they said, and more than that, he had grown fond of each one.

The "children" of the Kingdom who were in community had grown.

They were easily in their twenty's and thirty's since the year was really 69KA or the sixty ninth year since Jesus had set up the Kingdom on Earth. This “Age of Mankind” was called the kingdom age, so the time reference was not BC or AD being before Christ or after, nor BCE or CE, being before Common Era or Common Era. This was The Kingdom of God Age.

The Kingdom Age.

When God had come from Heaven to Earth to rule and reign one thousand years. So (KA), Kingdom Age Sixty-nine with the Kids of the Kingdom full grown, more or less. Of course maturity was where you found it.

  Each kid of the kingdom was a special delight to "ole Eben" for they seemed so full of life and zeal.

Eben really wasn't that old, but like many who had already been here waiting for those Survivors who had lived through the Tribulation, he seemed to age less. Old in knowledge certainly which added an air of respectability; but almost young appearing at times when he smiled. Which he did frequently.

No one could put a finger on just what was different but those who had been raptured were now called” God kind” instead of “Man kind.”

Yet like Eben, they seemed normal enough.

Whenever discussions would begin to broach that subject in the conferences/classes, Eben would ask everyone to close their eyes, hold them tight shut, then open them.

"See a halo over my head?"

The answer was always no.

He would say, “ok, bow your heads, close your eyes, say amen out loud”, only a few would do it with the others laughing.

"See any wings on me?"

As much as Eben enjoyed the younger set, he appeared to really understand the Older Generation more.

He had an equal yet different joy over the Old Timers who had survived the World Wide Holocaust.

He could relate to the World they had lost. Now the world around them they no longer knew or understand. It looked the same, vaguely, but there were differences in everything they thought they knew.

For them, this was a foreign land with them being the strangers.

They felt displaced. Aliens; out of sorts and really needing someone who could bridge the gap between what was new in the Kingdom and all that they had left behind. An interpreter at times, an ear at others, someone to talk to them about all the differences.

While Eben felt compassion for them, he did not miss the Old World.

Many of the Survivors did.

At times He was challenged by those who really thought they had it better back then. How they thought that really was beyond comprehension to Eben. He would like to say there was one thing he missed about the Old World; the only problem was he didn't know what that was so if he ever noticed missing it, he would let them know.

That is how I feel,

Again that familiar "voice", a still small voice or thought not his own crept in.

Often in the midst of his thinking to himself, God would speak to him gently and console and comfort his ideas as he let them fly inside his soul.   

Chuckling Eben said stroking his beard, 

"Okay okay,"

And thought privately,                       

"I am glad only half the community is survivors."

  The children of the Kingdom were a lot easier to deal with than those who looked back at before Immanuel, God with us.

The very idea of looking back meant you weren't watching where you were going so you were bound to trip sooner or later.

Somehow He could never tell his students that in ways they seemed to understand.

If only they knew what God with us really means,

sighed Eben,  and looked again around the room.

Warmth from the presence he knew would never leave him filled his heart and he felt content again at wanting others to know the Lord as he did.

They will, give them time,

give me time,

So gentle it would have been easy to ignore if not acutely attuned or "listening" for it, for him, to speak.

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