Thursday, February 11, 2010

One Thousand Years: Genesage "Mountains removed" (Chp3:7)

One Thousand Years



“Mountains removed”


The tallest place on earth  was no longer a Mountain Upthrust from the pressure of tectonic upheaval. That had been Mount Everest. It was formed from enormous pressures of the continental split: “the original continental divide”; tectonic shift (still causing Mt Everest in the Year 2000 to grow); downthrust pressure from the great flood; it was high enough to reach the heavens, if that were possible in the Old World.

In the “New World” in elevation the high plateau rose as the “Promised Land” with the Apex of the center, Jerusalem. Slightly higher was Shiloh with Zion.

The Rest of the World: the enormously large continent was a combination of rolling hills and meadows, some valleys, some slightly elevated areas not unlike low plateaus, but no area was inaccessible or rose higher than Jerusalem and Israel.

The effects of the World in catastrophism and judgment had caused the center point of all the earth to also be the highest. The lowest point was now the “Valley of the Damned” leading to The Pit and Hell.

        Amazing but true to His Word, the Seven Rivers were being restored.

Even so the Mountain of the Lord was brought back with Israel elevated requiring those who went to Jerusalem to go up.

   Excitement always grew among the Survivors as each announcement with passing years brought news of the changing geography.

Everyone knew that anyone that had lived through the Tribulation now lived in Israel. The mention of "nations" and the seven rivers meant one day there would be other nations and lands to inhabit.

Cities would have to be established with communities.

It wasn't as though there was anything wrong with the Promised Land but some of the Old Timers from the Old World felt like the Promise and the Promised Land wasn't to them but someone else.

They wanted secretly to go find out what had happened to the World outside.

Remembering those early days of how the World was, God constantly amazed Eben at how the natural and the miraculous could work so hand in hand to appear so normal.

Man had nearly destroyed the world.

Pollution, corruption, deviation, social deterioration, spiritual degeneracy, all seven aspects of the "Balance of Creation" had been tilted far out of kilter that like a teeter tooter with one side stuck up in the air, man had tilted the scales in favor of destruction.

Satan had thought he would win with the process so far gone in his favor.

Rather than allow Earth to be destroyed, God had simply let man wipe himself nearly off the face of the map. If man stayed in control, He would have. So God shortened the Age of Man and restored “His Order.”

God restored the world as it was meant to be.

He used the Natural as easily as he used the once thought of as miraculous.

Natural was miraculous when one took the time to see. Eben often saying "behold" means a whole lot more than seeing. It was comprehension with personal participation in experiential implementation of observation and action.

Ya had to catch the drift, get a handle on the scene, make real what was seen.

(Few rarely understood Eben).

As though it were no big deal to send out seven messengers to where the head waters would be; Each Angelic took with them a living stone from the Messiah. Upon decree they setting them in place, speaking to them, then watching water pouring out of each as an artesian.

In many ways it was amazing, in certainly some other perspectives, it was the norm; to the angelic no surprise.  

It would have been called a miracle. It made no sense, yet in the Kingdom, it was just like God to take common sense and make it HIS fulfillment, It made God sense. Sense and sensibility was “divinic.”

The ability to sense God in it, the opportunity to see God thru it and the possibility to give God credit for it. 

Common Sense lowered the appreciation factor, God Sense restored it.

"And people said I had no common sense”,

Eben had thought about the old days.             

"I was just ahead of my time with God Sense",

He joked to himself.               

      Strangely in this case what Eben thought of as "odd" or different in the old days made sense now.

It was almost as though he had been prepared all his former life for this.  Like He was born for just such a time as this. Since he did have previous life experiences and frames of references, it was easier to explain to those who had born into the Kingdom.

They had never seen a river, except Eben's little trickler, or creek, so water out of a rock was not a weird idea to them. God Sense, made sense, to them. God Sense was common to those born in the Kingdom of God.

     What was so amazing to Eben was to see all the questions from studying the Bible actually answered without really having to ask.

It was as if the Word of God had come to life literally.

The “Word of God” not becoming just flesh, but played out in real time. The Word Become Life, the Word of God become the Kingdom of God in a “stage play” of eternal proportion. Not only were the people alive and well and living in the Promised Land but in the World at large even the Four Rivers from Genesis and the Seven Legendary rivers were being restored.

What else God had in mind, just tickled Eben pink, or blue, or green, or…,

At times Eben longed to go walking through the World to see how much it had changed. To see what was being fulfilled or accomplished in the Kingdom Age. To actually learn how God intended the Land to be.  To know what else he might have thought he knew, to only find out God went so much farther when fulfilling his word.

Maybe you will,

The gentle thought flit through his mind.

As Eben thought all this to himself, his students waited for others to arrive.

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