Sunday, August 9, 2009

(Not another Christian Zionist) One that Calls for a Response ~ Bible Prophecy Today

One that Calls for a Response ~ Bible Prophecy Today

Christian Zionism is wrong. There are those who say, RIGHT or WRONG, support Istrael no matter what.

No. We don't, I don't, nor should you.

The point of having a personal Lord and Saviour is about making decisions. You and your Lord.

What God tell you to do, that you should do.

Jesus Never supported Zionism in His Day nor does He now.

His Will is about doing the Will of the One who sent Him. Jesus Was sent by the Father. He said So,

He said,

"I came not to to do my will but the will of the one who sent me."

This is Jesus pure and simple.

Doing What God Told Him.

What is God telling you?
What is God's will for you?
What is Jesus Commnadement to you?

The gospel, not Zionism, Christian or otherwise.

God did not come to save a Jew, he came to save you, to save me, to save the World.

For God so Loved the World...., not israel.

Sorry, you are commanded to pray for the peace of Jerusalem not promote Communism, Zionism, Democracy, or Judaism.

You are called to preach the gospel to every living creature.

The person who loves Israel today seems to forget the Land the Son of God walked on is planted Six feet under in a grave of which current Jerusalem stands, and with good reason, God Himself judged.

When ever I hear a Christian Zionist preach the ungodly support of any people without the Lord I am reminded what Jesus said to Peter,

Shut up. You don't know what you are talking about.

We are to be about Salvation of the soul, not a band aid to anyone chosen by God or not who is in rebelllion to His Will.

Israel, Israeli, Judaism, is in rejection and denial mode.

We can save many souls before many more persih if we quit worshipping the ground people walk on and get back to the Cross Jesus carried for those who watched Him die....,

It's not about knowing how, it's about sharing what Jesus did for you, and I can tell you this, no Jew respects your faith when you idealize Israel or Jewish lifestyle and not be true to the Son of God in you.

Any Jew and all Jews would rather see the Living God in you, then hear all the malarky about loving Jews, Jewish things, or Israel.

Get real about your faith, you will be respected.
Don't and follow Christian Zionism and you are being used.

And satan is laughing.....

Michael James Stone