Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Yom Tov: Tuesday, March 15, 2011 8 Adar II, 5771 (Your Jewish Calendar)

 Tuesday, March 15, 2011   
Yom Tov
ערב טוב
Yom Tov in two words "Good Day" symbolize and embody the Scripture 
 "This is the Day that the Lord has made I will rejoice and be glad in it"
Since God created the day from the night in genesis and called it good, it is possible He might have looked at the day dawning and said: "Yom Tov"
-Eben Micha'el Ya'akov ben Avraham-
Today in Jewish HistoryOpen All
 First Dispute Between Two Schools of Torah Thought (1st century CE)   Less

The schools of Shammai and Hillel for the very first time disagreed regarding a case of Jewish law. This occurred around the turn of the 1st century. In the ensuing generations, the schools argued regarding many different laws, until the law was established according to the teachings of the "House of Hillel" -- with the exception of a few instances. According to tradition, following the arrival of the Moshiach the law will follow the rulings of the House of Shammai.

All throughout, the members of the two schools maintained friendly relations with each other.

Link: Houses of Shammai & Hillel