Monday, February 22, 2010

LastCall:Genesis 28:1-22 " Behold, I am with you" -Bob Caldwell

An Open Haven of Blessing

  "Behold, I am with you and will keep you wherever you go, and will bring you back to this land; for I will not leave you until I have done what I have spoken to you." -Genesis 28:15

As Jacob sets out on his journey to Padam Aram to find a wife from his mother's family, he sees a ladder to heaven in a dream. Angels were going up and down this ladder and at the top of the ladder stood the Lord. The message in this vision is to declare to Jacob that God would be with him and that there would be blessings from heaven that would consistently help Jacob until he returned to Canaan, the Land of Promise. Jacob's response to this dream reveals that, like many of us, he had a lot to learn about the ways of God.

We see this first when he makes the place where he had this dream special, calling it the very "house of God," or Bethel. But it was not the house of God and the dream was to teach him just the opposite. God's house would be wherever Jacob went. God would be with him wherever he went and through whatever he went.

Secondly, we see him make a vow that if God will be with him and bless him, he will believe in God and give 10% of that blessing back to God. He was going to test God first to see if He would actually bless him. Only then would he believe.

Isn't God patient! He meets us where we are and teaches us in such a way that our faith can grow. As we set out in life, God will meet with each one of us and reveal in very personal ways that the ladder to heaven that brings down God's blessings will always be with us. God promised to never leave us nor forsake us. Let us therefore walk by faith, not by sight. We do not need to wait until God has done miracles in our lives to believe. That He has met us and revealed Himself to us should be more than enough.

Genesis 28:1-22

 1 Then Isaac called Jacob and blessed him, and charged him, and said to him: "You shall not take a wife from the daughters of Canaan. 2 Arise, go to Padan Aram, to the house of Bethuel your mother's father; and take yourself a wife from there of the daughters of Laban your mother's brother.

3 "May God Almighty bless you,
And make you fruitful and multiply you,
That you may be an assembly of peoples;

4 And give you the blessing of Abraham,
To you and your descendants with you,
That you may inherit the land
In which you are a stranger,
Which God gave to Abraham."

5 So Isaac sent Jacob away, and he went to Padan Aram, to Laban the son of Bethuel the Syrian, the brother of Rebekah, the mother of Jacob and Esau.

Esau Marries Mahalath

6 Esau saw that Isaac had blessed Jacob and sent him away to Padan Aram to take himself a wife from there, and that as he blessed him he gave him a charge, saying, "You shall not take a wife from the daughters of Canaan," 7 and that Jacob had obeyed his father and his mother and had gone to Padan Aram. 8 Also Esau saw that the daughters of Canaan did not please his father Isaac. 9 So Esau went to Ishmael and took Mahalath the daughter of Ishmael, Abraham's son, the sister of Nebajoth, to be his wife in addition to the wives he had.

Jacob Is Sent To Padan Aram (Verses 1-5)

v. 1 A Wife – Upon Rebekah's urging, Isaac sends Jacob to seek a believing wife. Sadly, this same parental concern had not been given prior to Esau's selection of a wife (Gen. 26:34-35).

v. 3 God Almighty"El-Shaddi" (Heb.) Refers to God being all-powerful, self-sufficient in Himself. The term is first used in Genesis 17:1 where God identifies Himself to Abraham.

v. 4 Blessing of Abraham – By this statement we see that Isaac has accepted the call God has placed upon Jacob to lead the family into the fulfillment of the Abrahamic covenant, that from Abraham's offspring the Messiah will come as a blessing to all people.

Esau Seeks A Wife From Ishmael (Verses 5-9)

v. 6 Esau Saw – Esau sees a blessing has been spoken over Jacob in response to Jacob seeking a bride from Abraham's descendents. This motivates Esau to seek a blessing in a similar way.

v. 9 Went To Ishmael – Meaning to his family, since Ishmael had been dead for 14 years.

Mahalath – She is later called Basemath in Genesis 36:3. Esau failed to concern himself with the fact that Ishmael had already been separated from the house of Abraham and the family of promise.

Jacob's Vow at Bethel

10 Now Jacob went out from Beersheba and went toward Haran. 11 So he came to a certain place and stayed there all night, because the sun had set. And he took one of the stones of that place and put it at his head, and he lay down in that place to sleep. 12 Then he dreamed, and behold, a ladder was set up on the earth, and its top reached to heaven; and there the angels of God were ascending and descending on it.

13 And behold, the LORD stood above it and said: "I am the LORD God of Abraham your father and the God of Isaac; the land on which you lie I will give to you and your descendants. 14 Also your descendants shall be as the dust of the earth; you shall spread abroad to the west and the east, to the north and the south; and in you and in your seed all the families of the earth shall be blessed. 15 Behold, I am with you and will keep you wherever you go, and will bring you back to this land; for I will not leave you until I have done what I have spoken to you."

16 Then Jacob awoke from his sleep and said, "Surely the LORD is in this place, and I did not know it." 17 And he was afraid and said, "How awesome is this place! This is none other than the house of God, and this is the gate of heaven!"

18 Then Jacob rose early in the morning, and took the stone that he had put at his head, set it up as a pillar, and poured oil on top of it. 19 And he called the name of that place Bethel; but the name of that city had been Luz previously. 20 Then Jacob made a vow, saying, "If God will be with me, and keep me in this way that I am going, and give me bread to eat and clothing to put on, 21 so that I come back to my father's house in peace, then the LORD shall be my God. 22 And this stone which I have set as a pillar shall be God's house, and of all that You give me I will surely give a tenth to You."

Jacob's Dream (Verses 10-22)

v. 10 Jacob Went – His journey was very different from what Abraham's servants had made years earlier to find a wife for Isaac. Jacob is alone, fleeing from Esau. No doubt he wondered whether he would ever be able to return and claim the birthright and blessing he had taken by deception.

Beersheba – This was 12 miles to the south of Hebron.

v. 11 A Certain Place – This would later be known as Bethel, in the mountains of Ephraim and three hours journey north of Jerusalem.

v. 12 Ladder – In this dream, this represented the separation sin has brought between God and man.
The Angels – These angels represent God's intervention upon the earth, an intervention Jacob had not trusted in the past to bring about God's word in his life.

v. 13 The Lord Stood – There at the top of the ladder a vision of God is seen. God makes clear to Jacob that He will fulfill His promises to Jacob even though the circumstances seem to indicate all is against him as he flees for safety.

v. 16 I Did Not Know – Jacob is beginning to now realize that God is working and present even when there is no perception of that in the natural world.

v. 17 Dreadful"Yare" (Heb.) Means to be afraid, to fear, to have reverence for.

v. 18 Poured Oil – Oil was poured upon something or someone as a sign that it was a holy thing, set apart for God. This place represented an encounter with God, and therefore was honored in this way.

Vow – This is the first vow recorded in scripture.

If God – Jacob realizes he can do nothing unless God works out this call that has been given to him. He realizes he can only do his part if God goes before him and does what only God can do.

Tenth – This had become an expected standard of offering to God even before the Law of Moses. Abraham gave 10% to Melchizedek (Gen. 14:20) as an example of this standard of giving in his worship of God.

Michael James Stone

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Last Call

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