Friday, July 10, 2009

I cried when I sung at Church, why?

Question posted on Yahoo! Answers: I cried when I sung at Church, why? (Age: 17) I haven’t been to Church in months. So today I went. And when I was singing a song, I started to cry. I don’t know why. I just started to cry while I sang. I just felt the tears coming, and something inside me wanted to explode, as if I had so much to say and apologize for.

Is this normal?

Why do you think I cried?


Well all have emotions. God created them. God gave them. God designed for

all of us to have all the emotions we experience. A full spectrum of them.

He made us that way.

Why we cry isn't as important as the fact we can cry. As long as you can cry, for whatever reason, God can and does use the honesty of our emotions to get our attention. When he has our attention, he can touch the emotions and empower a way to heal damaged emotions and soul filled scars.

When we cannot be true to what we are feeling, than we are lying to ourselves and to God.

He will leave us to that lie till we are real enough to be sincere in our responses. When are is God.

Michael James Stone

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